Interaction Design and Urban Experience Studio

→ What in the artifact

IxD Design Service Design Graphic Design
Owen Woertink - Adil Nazarov - William Richardson 

Inspired by a strange run in (a ton anchor) on the North Campus of the University of Michigan, my team and I sought to increase historical engagement throughout Ann Arbor.

condensed research findings

was born as an interactive map app to engage users with historical information across Ann Arbor.

Figma Prototype


Our journey began with a social census, one meant to induce attention to the various historical artifacts across Ann Arbor. Plastering posters, sometimes on the artifacts themselves,  we called out the their “absurd” nature drawing the public in closer to fill out a QR code survey.

Various locations across University of Michigan’s Central Campus

survey questions, poster design and plastered locations

Alongside our survey observations, we conducted a series of interviews into existing resources that have attempted a the similar goal of spreading historical information.
overview of existing informational systems

Our explorations lead us to the formation of targeted personas, user journeys and intervention points within the existing system. Which consequently highlighted all the possibilities of restructuring existing systems to better fit our goal.